Sunday, February 7, 2010

French sites que j’aime

With the vastness of the Internet, it’s too facile de perdre beaucoup le temps, as a beginner, in all the possible Web sites offering French language or culture aid.

There are many wonderful sites and resources out there, but these are a few I have tried and liked myself in my own wanderings, or at the suggestion of wonderful amis.

French grammar and vocabulary
BBC languages
Vocab for kids—but good for beginning adults too
Enchanted Learning (activity sheets for kids)
French conjugation trainer online

French radio
NRJ French
Rires et Chansons  -

News and lifestyles in French
Le Monde
Itele Direct
Femme: Le Journal des Femmes
France Amerique

Cross-cultural connections and language courses
French Embassy
Alliance Française  (this is the U.S. site, but I visit the Seattle Alliance site for upcoming events and classes)

The poetry of Charles Baudelaire
The poetry (fables) of Jean de la Fontaine

For translation and verb conjugation

For conversation groups
Meetup (our lively Spokane group ,a great Seattle group, and many others are just waiting for you )
Facebook (search French and French conversation or find event pages like this:)

For help or advice on traveling to France
Paris Apartments

Some of my pet favorites:
Comedian Eddy Izzard's French lessons
The music of Gerard DePalmas, Stefan Sanseverino, Louise Attaque

If you come across others you like, let me know and I'll check them out and add them to the list.

Bonne chance!

Flag of France image courtesy of 4 International Flags

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